We have 22 employees who represent 35 different Adobe credentials in everything from Adobe Commerce to, of course, Analytics.
When it comes to this powerful platform, one of the most common questions we get is, “How much does Adobe Analytics cost?”
The Price of Adobe Analytics (It Depends)
First, Adobe Analytics isn’t free, and it doesn’t offer any kind of free demo version to try before you buy.
That’s a common misconception because Google Analytics does offer users a free version, many of whom never have any reason to update to the premium option, Google Analytics 360, which starts at around $12,500 a month.
Fortunately, Adobe Analytics costs quite a bit less – though it’s still extremely powerful.
But is it?
Let’s take a look at the costs…
How Much It Will Cost YOUR Company to Use Adobe Analytics
Adobe Analytics’ pricing is based on how much traffic your site gets.
For many companies, this could be as low as $2,000 - $2,500 a month.
However, if you’re looking for analytics for a larger business – like an enterprise – you could easily spend upwards of $100,000 a year on this powerful platform.
That might seem like a lot, but there’s a reason Adobe is such a well-respected brand amongst businesses of every size.
Is Adobe Analytics Worth the Price?
In a word: probably.
While it’s definitely more expensive than Google Analytics, it’s not SO expensive that it’s reserved only for Fortune 500 companies.
It might not be a good choice if you’re currently bootstrapping your startup, but if you have the revenue to handle its monthly price tag, the many features of Adobe Analytics more than justify its price tag.
A Short List of What Adobe Analytics Brings to the Table
Definitely check out that breakdown we just linked to, but if you’re in a hurry, here are some of the biggest reasons you’ll absolutely love what Adobe Analytics can do for your business:
- Real-Time Data Processing
- Simple Sharing and Editing Access
- SUPER Easy Segmentation (Essential when working with data)
- Calculated Metrics (Again, vital for making the most of your data)
- User-Friendly Freeform Tables You Can Use to Make Sense of Your Data ASAP
- A Whole Host of Other Incredibly Powerful Reports
- All Kinds of Attribution Models
- Adobe’s AI Technology (Adobe Sensei)
In short, there’s A LOT to love about Adobe Analytics, which is why it’s become the secret weapon for so many businesses – big and small – all around the world.
Is Adobe Analytics Right for Your Company?
Of course, the price tag is just one consideration you need to make when deciding on an analytics platform.
Your company’s unique needs are just as important.
If you would like any help understanding how Adobe Analytics could meet your business’s most ambitious goals, please feel free to contact us to speak to one of our credentialed Adobe experts.